This is why you should hire a professional photographer for listings.

Should you take photos of the home you’re listing, or should you hire a professional photographer? The answer is simple: No, do not take your own photos! I understand that you want to save money, but professional photographers are worth the cost since their pictures are always high quality. 90% of the time, real estate agents can’t take photos that will match those of a real photographer, and you want the home to look its best online.

Potential buyers are more likely to be drawn to a house by photos taken by a trained expert. The difference between professional and amateur photos is obvious on listings.

“Do not take your own photos!”

Hiring a photographer will also free up time that you can spend on other dollar-producing activities, such as lead generation and conversion, other listing appointments, showing appointments, networking, and working on your database. Taking photos is not a dollar-producing activity. Even if you are a professional photographer yourself, you should still have someone else take the pictures so you can focus on other tasks. We use a company called QuickPics, and they’re great at what they do.

If you have questions about this or any other real estate-related topic, reach out to us via phone or email. We’d be happy to speak with you.

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