If you’re looking to make a career change, check out our team.

I’m Nicole Juarez from JD Walters Real Estate, and I’m sharing the story of how I became a successful Realtor. I began my career in real estate about four years ago with no training, working nine hours every day. The first year I didn’t have any sales training, so when I came to JD Walters, I was readily offered access to training and all the other tools that would help me become a successful real estate agent. Now, I’m making more money, I’m in charge of creating my own work schedule, and I love what I do. 

If you’re ready to do something different, whether you want to begin a career in real estate or you’re already in the industry but aren’t happy where you are, come join our team.

Please reach out to us via phone or email if you’re interested or have any questions. We’d love to speak with you and have the opportunity to change your life.

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